‘"THE U.S. JUST TEAMED UP WITH THE UAE AS A MAJOR DEFENSE PARTNER, BUT AT WHAT COST TO HUMAN RIGHTS? LET'S UNPACK THIS!" On September 23, 2024, President Joe Biden named the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a "major defense partner," a distinction previously granted only to India in 2021. This move underscores the ongoing complexity of balancing the promotion of democratic values and human rights with strategic interests in global diplomacy. While the U.S. continues to advocate for human rights and legal compliance internationally, its engagements with countries like the UAE often necessitate pragmatic alliances that may seem to overlook the less savory aspects of these partners' domestic policies.

Biden's announcement, made following discussions at the White House with UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, marks a significant strengthening of military cooperation between the two countries. The designation will enhance bilateral defense activities, including joint military training and exercises, and will facilitate closer strategic collaboration with other allied nations.

In the gilded halls of UAE's palaces, a dark secret persists, the routine use of torture and extortion by its rulers. The repeated escapes and dismissal of charges against high-ranking officials like Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed and his brothers reveal a disturbing pattern of unchecked brutality. The following shocking accounts briefed in court records and media reports resemble not the distant past but present-day conditions in the UAE.

Imagine a movie-like heist in Abu Dhabi, except this drama is painfully real! Hours after winning a lawsuit, a foreign investor's office is stormed. Police collude, not protect, leading to his wrongful charge, worst torture and solitary confinement. Against all odds, investigations mandated by the apex court later exposed ties to Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, the current UAE President, adding a dark twist!

Documents are forged, justice is overturned, and the investor is forced out, stripped of his assets valued at over $100 million. This saga has been bouncing around courts from the Supreme Court to the Delhi High Court since 1996, underscores the UAE's problematic human rights record on Indian soil, spotlighting the adversities foreign nationals face there. Today, he is not just fighting for his fortune, but for the principle: justice must prevail.

In a significant legal proceeding in 2009, the plight of Khaled Hassen, a U.S. citizen, was reportedly tortured by "Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed" and his brother "Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed". The case concluded with a "$10 million settlement in a U.S. District Court", marking a rare judicial acknowledgment of the "UAE's Human Rights Abuses" on American soil.

The horrors described in court cases and media reports are not scenes from a medieval dungeon, but rather, they unfold in the modern-day UAE. Sheikh Issa bin Zayed's acquittal in 2010, despite his actions being captured in a "Graphic Video" , is a glaring example of the impunity enjoyed by the ruling class. These cases reveal a pattern of behavior that critics argue reflects a deep-seated issue within the "UAE's Ruling Elite", prompting calls for international scrutiny and reform. . ..."CAN YOU IMAGINE WINNING IN COURT ONLY TO BE KIDNAPPED AND FRAMED? STAY UPDATED ON THIS $60M DIGITAL TRUTH CAMPAIGN!"


‘ At the heart of this saga is an Indian-origin UAE investor, who ventured into Abu Dhabi with hopes of contributing to and benefiting from its economic growth. However, what was supposed to be a straightforward investment journey quickly devolved into a Kafkaesque nightmare, encapsulating extortion, torture, armed robbery, and even kidnapping; all allegedly at the hands of the very authorities meant to protect and foster such investments. Despite the investor's legal victories in various courts, including the nation's apex court, which ordered substantial compensation for the damages suffered, the ruling regime, under the iron fist of a prince, an acting ruler with unparalleled authority, orchestrated a chilling countermove. Flouting the sacrosanct principles of justice, the ruler's administration resorted to defrauding court judgments and deploying illegal documents to expel the investor from the country.

Imagine winning battle after battle in court, only to be blindsided by a deportation order. This isn't fiction for one foreign investor in UAE, who found that even the highest court's favour couldn't shield him from the whims of power. The orders for compensation and investigation into crimes such as extortion and kidnapping, linked to the very authorities of UAE, were blatantly ignored. Such flagrant disregard for the rule of law and human rights paints a bleak picture of a nation where legal proceedings and enforcement mechanisms are manipulated for nefarious purposes. The investor's deportation wasn't just an exit from UAE but a well-orchestrated erasure of his economic identity. Using falsified documents, the regime not only expelled him but also laid claim to his business empire and real estate assets, valued at a staggering $100 million were embezzled amidst the chaos of his deportation. This wasn't just a deportation; it was a state-sanctioned heist. Beware the places where justice is just another word for power. ..."CONTINUE READING: DON'T LET YOUR INVESTMENT BECOME UAE'S NEXT TARGET!"

Empowering Justice: Embrace the Opportunity Brought by the 'UAE Judgments For Sale' Global Campaign!

‘INVEST IN ABU DHABI'S UNENFORCED APEX JUDGMENTS: SEE THE OPPORTUNITY, UNDERSTAND THE CHALLENGE: Imagine a world where no one is above the law, where justice prevails, and where your actions can catalyze significant change. This vision is within reach as we spotlight a high-stakes narrative of evasion and accountability in the UAE. At the heart of this saga is Mohamed bin Zayed, the Prince of Abu Dhabi, now the nation's President, whose alleged avoidance of legal mandates and engagement in unlawful activities has cast a shadow over the concept of justice itself. For 27 years, an injustice has lingered; the diversion of over $100 million from an Indian-origin investor by means of deception, challenging the efficacy of UAE and Indian court judgments. This story is not just a recounting of facts but a call to action, an opportunity to play a crucial role in a global initiative dedicated to exposing the 'UAE Fugitive.'

By investing in Abu Dhabi Domains for Judgment Enforcement, you contribute to a larger cause that emphasizes the importance of international legal cooperation and the pursuit of justice. A reward of up to $10 million is poised for those who can aid in bringing this fugitive to justice. Stand with us, be the beacon of change, and help ensure that no injustice remains unchallenged. Our distinctive online platforms are specifically engineered to aggregate support and highlight the paramount importance of international cooperation in addressing the ongoing challenge of justice evasion. ..."LEARN HOW ABU DHABI IS REDEFINING JUSTICE WITH DIGITAL DOMAINS. BE PART OF THE 20K SITE REVOLUTION!"

'Important Announcement: Criminal Accountability within UAE Governance' CROWN PRINCE OF ABU DHABI

'UAE's Ruling Elite Under Fire: US$10 Million Reward for Arrest and Conviction in Historic Legal Battle"  

'DEMANDING JUSTICE: THE MULTI-BILLION-DOLLAR BATTLE IN ABU DHABI!' In the legal dispute known as "Jabir vs. UAE," a notable instance has arisen that underscores the complexities of enforcing legal judgments on an international scale, specifically within the context of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This case has garnered attention due to the substantial incentive of US$10 million for assistance leading to the arrest and conviction of the acting ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, who is now the President of the UAE. This litigation implicates not only Sheikh Mohamed but also the UAE Federation in allegations of egregious human rights violations and infringements upon the constitutional rights of an Indian investor in Abu Dhabi.  

In an unprecedented move, within the United Arab Emirates the criminal courts, including the apex court, have initiated an inquiry into Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed's conduct, potentially leading to the nullification of his official capacities. Concurrently, the government of the UAE, under his command, has engaged in further illicit activities, manifesting in defiance of judicial orders and the perpetration of fraud, notably the fabrication of court judgments. This malpractice has precipitated the unwarranted expulsion of the Judgment Creditor. Fabricating judicial documents, aimed at facilitating deportations and circumventing the execution of court-sanctioned reparations and penalties, poses a significant threat to the personal security of UAE residents and the integrity of its judicial framework.  

The consistent disregard for judicial directives over a span of 27 years underscores a systemic breakdown and a prevailing sense of legal impunity, thereby compromising the fundamental tenets of justice and accountability. This landmark litigation may culminate in the actualization of judgments through the apprehension and confinement of this 'Fugitive' Debtor or the appropriation of their assets. Having suffered considerable losses in the UAE in 1995, the aggrieved investor is pursuing a path of legal redress and comprehensive restitution, amid the complexities of unenforced judicial decisions.  


‘LET THE POWER OF BLUE SPEAK FOR YOUR BRAND - TRUST BRANDING.BLUE!: Brand recognition is essential in today's highly competitive market. One way to achieve this is through the use of colors, and branding.blue understands the power of blue in branding. Just like the color blue, branding.blue is a superpower in the corporate world, providing businesses with the ability to evoke various emotions and establish credibility with their customers.

The diverse shades of blue, from navy blue to sky blue, allow businesses to express a wide range of emotions and moods. Similarly, branding.blue's marketing and branding service packages offer a wide range of possibilities to create a unique and memorable brand image with the power of branding.blue. ..."READ MORE: TRUST BEGINS WITH BLUE"

‘A BETTER UAE STARTS WITH ACCOUNTABILITY: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a nation that has been subjected to treacherous and deceitful governance by certain individuals who have been entrusted with the administration of the country. These offenders have engaged in illegal activities such as armed looting and embezzlement, which has had a detrimental impact on the prosperity of the nation and its people.

Despite the challenges, there have been individuals who have stood up against these injustices and fought tirelessly to bring the perpetrators to justice. The author of this message is one such person who has won various legal battles against these offenders and seeks your support in enforcing the court's decisions.

It is time for us to work together and take a stand against these treacherous betrayers. We must identify them and hold them accountable for their actions, which have resulted in significant harm to the UAE and its citizens.

Through our collective efforts, we can ensure that justice is served and that these offenders are punished for their crimes.Join us in enforcing the judgments and working towards a brighter future for the UAE. Let us unite and put an end to the treacherous governance that has plagued this nation for far too long. ..."LET'S ENFORCE THE UAE-INDIA COURT JUDGMENTS: UAE.BLACK"

‘'UK Infotech is your go-to source for comprehensive access to information on a diverse range of topics such as technology, business, law, tourism, human rights, society, science, and the environment. With over 2000 web portals managed by our multi-channel e-business and e-solution promoter, known as the 'Trade Address Brand' a subsidiary of "Alliance Judgment Recovery",offers inventive solutions for digital campaigns and branding businesses, allowing you to take your business to the next level. Publication.Win is a part of 'UK Infotech' brand.

Our successful digital campaign addressing 'the UAE Government's failure to uphold the rule of law' emphasizes the importance of every individual's fundamental entitlement to reside in a fair and impartial society, where wrongdoing is not tolerated, and legal principles are respected.

‘'SWF .RED": The UAE's fraudulent and illegal practices have marred Abu Dhabi's ill-gotten Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). The UAE is answerable for its complicity in the armed looting, abduction, mistreatment, and embezzlement of substantial funds from an Indian-origin foreign investor, despite numerous court decisions in India and the UAE.

By failing to enforce the rule of law, the UAE Government has infringed on the basic human rights of its victims. It is crucial for the international community to hold the Abu Dhabi Sovereign Wealth Fund accountable, given its abysmal human rights track record.

INVEST IN UAE's ZAYED DEBT FUNDS: Zayed Debt is guaranteed "100%" more value on your investments even if the 'Debtor [Judgment Debtor]' settle his debt within the first week of your joining. 'Zayed Debt Funds' are backed by Abu Dhabi Apex Judgments and led by UAE's trusted leadership.VIEW SPECIAL "27TH ANNIVERSARY" OFFERS!


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